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Pet Care International Cal Max Super


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Pet Care International Cal Max Super

Size : 250 gm

100% Water Soluble Cal Max Super to Provide Essential Calcium for Healthy Bird Breeding

  • 100% Water soluble calcium supplement. Cal max Super is a high quality, water soluble source of calcium
  • This dietary supplement is administrated for good egg shell formation, for good skeletal development in young birds, during the breeding season to reduce egg-binding and in cases of calcium deficiency or calcium tetany.
  • Calcium is an essential element in the bird's body. Among-st others it is essential for the correct functioning of the nervous system.
  • Calcium deficiencies in birds regularly result in serious health problems. If the bird is not given enough calcium, it causes de-calcification of the skeleton and bone deformation.
  • Giving extra calcium to birds during the breeding and growth season is therefore strongly recommended. Sufficient calcium ensures good egg shell formation and the development of a healthy skeleton.

BREEDING BIRD NUTRITION Wild birds breed when the food quality is best for rearing chicks successfully. Mimicking wild diets can improve the breeding results for your birds. Good nutrition for successful breeding is very important. Calcium for breeding - crucial for egg production and young chicks Calcium is vital during the breeding season, especially during the egg laying process.Cal Max Super ON FOOD Powder provide highly bio available forms of calcium which birds can absorb easily. When egg laying commences increase Cal Max Super to five times a week. Birds require extra calcium to make good quality egg shells. As most birds only carry enough calcium stored in their bones to make about three eggs Cal Max Super normally increases clutch sizes, good shell quality and minimizes stress on your birds. Young birds require plenty of calcium for strong bone formation and efficient nerve and muscle function. Insufficient calcium can lead to young birds having trouble flying and perching properly. Cal Max Super should be continued through the breeding season at the five times a week rate to maintain their natural reserves of this precious mineral. In very hard water areas it may be possible to use Cal Max Super at lower application rates or less frequently. Directions for use:- 4 gm twice a week per 100 gm egg food or per 250 ml drinking water. Before and during the breeding season:- 8 gm daily per 100 gm egg food or per 250 ml drinking water. In case of a calcium deficiency:- 12 gm daily per 100 gm egg food or per 250 ml drinking water.


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