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Seachem Reef Pack : Enhancer 3 - 100 ml

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Seachem Reef Pack : Enhancer 3 - 100 ml

The Reef Pack™ Enhancer takes reef supplementation to the next level. Accelerate coral growth with a high energy polygluconate calcium (Reef Calcium™). Maintain strontium in a densely populated system (Reef Strontium™) with the added benefit of coral acceleration through gluconate complexation. Maintain sufficient iodide levels (Reef Iodide™) when keeping soft corals or invertebrates.

Reef Calcium™

Reef Calcium™ is a concentrated (50,000 mg/L) bioavailable polygluconate complexed calcium intended to maintain calcium in the reef aquarium without altering pH. Polygluconate complexation confers several benefits: it increases the bioavailability of the calcium, it provides a rich source of metabolic energy to help maintain peak coral growth, and it prevents calcium precipitation/alkalinity depletion.

Reef Strontium™

Reef Strontium™ is a concentrated (10,000 mg/L) gluconate strontium supplement for the reef aquarium that will restore and maintain strontium to levels found in natural sea water. It is most useful in densely populated aquariums requiring a continuous supply of strontium.

Reef Iodide™

Reef Iodide™ is an iodide supplement for those with dense populations of invertebrates or soft corals. It is also useful in tanks with aggressive skimmers. Reef Iodide™ is concentrated at 8,000 mg/L. As little as 1 mL in 160 liters (US 40 gallons) will raise iodide to natural seawater concentration. It is formulated to provide a safe source of iodide that will not convert to toxic free iodine under storage or reef conditions.


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