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Prodibio Bioptim 30 Vials

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Rated 4.50 out of 5
2 reviews
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Prodibio Bioptim 30 Vials

  • Contains all the microelements needed for aquarium life (amino acids, enzymes, natural vitamins )
  • Bioptim also provides trace elements:
    - sulphur for proteins
    iron for plants and fish blood
    - cobalt for B vitamins
    - calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, molybdenum and potassium
  • Dynamises the cellular metabolism of most of the bacteria living in freshwater aquariums
  • Bioptim speedily accelerates the digestion of organic matter
  • It also facilitates the elimination of nitrates and phosphates

When should Bioptim be used ?

  • Use in combination of BioDigest bacteria
  • When you want to have a better water quality in you saltwater aquarium

How to use Bioptim ?

What volume ? What range ? What dosage ?
0 to 60 liters Nano 1 vial / 15 days
61 to 120 liters Nano 2 vials / 15 days
121 to 200 liters Standard 1 vial / 15 days
201 to 400 liters Standard 2 vials / 15 days
401 to 600 liters Standard 3 vials / 15 days
601 to 800 liters Standard 4 vials / 15 days
801 to 1 000 liters Standard 5 vials / 15 days
1 001 to 2 000 liters Pro 1 vial / 15 days
2 001 to 4 000 liters Pro 2 vials / 15 days
4 001 + liters Pro add 1 vial every 2 000 liters


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1-2 of 2 reviews
  1. I test my tank's parameters using API master test kit and can say that the ammonia level, nitrite and nitrate levels didn't come down immediately as it's usually advertised. I bought bioptim, as a food source for the nitrobacteria as well and used as directed. Expect results after a couple of weeks. Also, please note: I live in Delhi where government tap water has ammonia of 4.0 ammonia. So to bring down from 4.0 to 0.25 in 2 weeks itself is a big feat. Recommend to everyone but please use additional bacteria if your tap water tests high ammonia.

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  2. Good probiotic bacteria. It is very helpful to reduce no3 and po4.

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